Essential Linux and Git-GitHub Commands - CheatSheet

Essential Linux and Git-GitHub Commands - CheatSheet

Linux and Git-GitHub are two powerful tools that developers use every day to create, manage, and collaborate on software projects. Learning to use the


File System Navigation

  • cd: changes the current working directory to the user's home directory.

  • cd ..: changes the current working directory to the previous directory.

  • cd [directory]: changes the current working directory to the specified directory.

  • pwd: displays the current working directory.

  • ls: lists the contents of the current directory.

  • ls [directory]: lists the contents of the specified directory.

  • ls -a: lists all files and directories (including hidden files) in the current directory.

  • ls -l: lists the contents of the current directory with detailed information.

  • ls -lh: lists the contents of the current directory with detailed information, and displays file sizes in a human-readable format.

  • mkdir [directory]: creates a new directory with the specified name.

  • mkdir -p [dir1]/[dir2]/[dir3]/.../[dir n]: creates nested directory.

  • chown [user:group] [file]: changes the owner and group of the specified file.

  • chmod [permissions] [file]: changes the permissions of the specified file.

  • rm [file]: removes the specified file.

  • rm -r [directory]: removes the specified directory and its contents.

  • tree [directory]: displays a hierarchical tree view of the specified directory and its contents.

  • find [directory] -name [filename]: searches for files with the specified name in the specified directory and its subdirectories.

  • locate [filename]: searches for files with the specified name using an indexed database.

  • which [command]: displays the full path of the specified command.

  • grep [pattern] [file]: searches for lines in the specified file that match the specified pattern.

  • less [file]: displays the contents of the specified file, allowing the user to navigate through the contents with arrow keys.

File Manipulation

  • touch [file]: creates a new empty file with the specified name.

  • diff [file1] [file2]: displays the differences between the contents of file1 and file2.

  • cat [file]: displays the contents of the specified file.

  • cp [file1] [file2]: copies the contents of file1 into file2.

  • cp -r [directory1] [directory2]: copies directory1 and its contents to directory2.

  • cp -p [file1] [file2]: copies file1 to file2, preserving the original file's permissions, ownership, and timestamps.

  • mv [file1] [file2]: renames or moves file1 to file2.

  • mv -i [file1] [file2]: renames or moves file1 to file2, prompting the user if file2 already exists.

  • rm -f [file]: forcefully removes the specified file without prompting for confirmation.

  • rm -i [file]: prompts the user for confirmation before removing the specified file.

  • rm -rf [directory]: forcefully removes the specified directory and its contents without prompting for confirmation.

  • tar -cvzf [archive name] [directory]: creates a compressed tar archive of the specified directory.

  • tar -xvzf [archive name]: extracts the contents of the specified compressed tar archive.

  • split -b [size] [file]: splits the specified file into multiple smaller files with the specified size.

  • join [file1] [file2]: joins the specified files into a single file.

  • awk: a scripting language for text processing that can manipulate files line by line.

  • sed: a stream editor for performing basic text transformations on an input stream.

User and Group Management

  • useradd [username]: creates a new user with the specified username.

  • userdel [username]: deletes the specified user.

  • groupadd [groupname]: creates a new group with the specified name.

  • groupdel [groupname]: deletes the specified group.

  • passwd [username]: sets the password for the specified user.

  • usermod -aG [groupname] [username]: adds the specified user to the specified group.

  • id [username]: displays information about the specified user, including their UID and GID.

  • groups [username]: displays the groups to which the specified user belongs.

  • chgrp [groupname] [file]: changes the group ownership of the specified file.

  • chown [username] [file]: changes the owner of the specified file.

System Information

  • uname: displays information about the system kernel.

  • top: displays real-time information about running processes.

  • top -p [PID]: displays real-time information about the specified process ID.

  • ps: displays information about running processes.

  • ps -ef: displays detailed information about all running processes.

  • df: displays disk usage information.

  • du: displays the disk usage of files and directories.

  • df -h: displays disk usage information with file sizes in a human-readable format.

  • htop: an interactive process viewer that displays real-time information about running processes.

  • free -h: displays information about system memory usage in a human-readable format.

  • ifconfig: displays network interface configuration information.

  • netstat: displays information about active network connections and associated processes.

  • netstat -tulpn: displays information about active network connections and associated processes.

  • iostat: displays I/O statistics for storage devices and partitions.

  • vmstat: displays virtual memory statistics, including memory usage, page activity, and CPU usage.

  • ip: displays and manipulates network interface information.

System Management

  • sudo [command]: executes the specified command with elevated privileges.

  • apt-get install [package]: installs the specified package.

  • apt-get remove [package]: removes the specified package.

  • apt-get update: updates the local package index.

  • apt-get upgrade: upgrades all installed packages to their latest versions.

  • apt-get dist-upgrade: upgrades the distribution to the latest version.

  • apt-get autoremove: removes all packages that are no longer needed by any installed packages.

  • reboot: restarts the system.

  • shutdown: shuts down the system.

  • reboot -h now: shuts down the system immediately.

  • shutdown -h now: shuts down the system immediately.

  • crontab -e: opens the user's crontab file for editing.

  • cron -r: removes the current user's crontab file.

  • systemctl start [service name]: starts the specified system service.

  • systemctl stop [service name]: stops the specified system service.

  • systemctl restart [service name]: restarts the specified system service.

  • journalctl: displays system logs.

  • iptables: a powerful firewall tool for managing network traffic.

  • sysctl: allows the user to modify and query kernel parameters at runtime.

at: schedules a command to be executed at a specific time.


Setting Up

  • git config --global "[username]": sets your username for Git.

  • git config --global "[email]": sets your email address for Git.

  • git init: initializes a new Git repository.

  • git config --list: displays a list of all Git configuration settings.

  • ssh-keygen: generates a new SSH key pair for secure communication with GitHub.

Working with Repositories

  • git clone [repository URL]: clones a repository from GitHub.

  • git status: displays the current status of the repository.

  • git add [file]: stages the specified file for commit.

  • git add -A: stages all changes, including deleted files and renamed files.

  • git commit -m "[commit message]": commits the staged changes with a message.

  • git commit --amend: modifies the previous commit with staged changes.

  • git commit -a: commits all changes, including modifications and deletions, without staging.

  • git push: pushes the committed changes to the remote repository.

  • git pull: pulls the latest changes from the remote repository.

  • git reset [file]: unstages the specified file.

  • git reset --hard: resets the working directory to the last commit and discards all changes.

  • git stash: saves the current changes temporarily to the stash.

  • git stash apply: applies the last stashed changes to the working directory.

  • git stash save [message]: saves the current changes temporarily to the stash with a custom message.

  • git log: displays the commit history of the repository.

  • git log --graph: displays the commit history as a graph.

  • git log --oneline: displays the commit history with one-line messages.

  • git log --author=[author name]: displays the commit history filtered by the specified

Branching and Merging

  • git branch: displays a list of branches.

  • git branch [branch name]: creates a new branch with the specified name.

  • git branch -a: displays a list of all local and remote branches.

  • git branch -d [branch name]: deletes the specified branch.

  • git checkout [branch name]: switches to the specified branch.

  • git checkout -b [new branch name]: creates a new branch with the specified name and switches to it.

  • git merge [branch name]: merges the specified branch into the current branch.

  • git merge --abort: aborts a merge in progress.

  • git merge --no-ff [branch name]: merges the specified branch into the current branch with a commit message, even if it can be fast-forwarded.

  • git merge --no-commit [branch name]: merges the specified branch into the current branch, but does not commit the changes.

  • git merge --squash [branch name]: merges the specified branch into the current branch, but does not create a merge commit.

  • git rebase [branch name]: reapplies commits from the specified branch onto the current branch.

  • git rebase -i [commit hash]: starts an interactive rebase of the current branch, allowing the user to modify commits, delete commits, or squash commits.

  • git rebase --onto [new base] [old base] [branch name]: moves the specified branch onto a new base branch, discarding any commits that are only reachable from the old base branch.

  • git cherry-pick [commit hash]: applies the changes from the specified commit onto the current branch.

Collaborating with Others

  • git remote add [name] [repository URL]: adds a remote repository with the specified name and URL.

  • git remote set-url [name] [new URL]: changes the URL of a remote repository.

  • git remote -v: displays a list of remote repositories.

  • git fetch: retrieves the latest changes from the remote repository.

  • git fetch --all: fetches the latest changes from all remote repositories.

  • git fetch [name] [branch name]: fetches the latest changes from the specified branch of the remote repository.

  • git merge [name]/[branch name]: merges the specified branch from the remote repository into the current branch.

  • git push [name] [branch name]: pushes the committed changes to the specified branch of the remote repository.

  • git push [name] :[branch name]: deletes the specified branch from the remote repository.

  • git push --tags: pushes all tags to the remote repository.

  • git push [name] --force: forces a push to the specified branch of the remote repository, overwriting any conflicting changes.

  • git push [name] --tags: pushes all tags to the specified remote repository.

  • git clone --depth=1 [repository URL]: clones a repository from GitHub with only the latest commit history.

  • git remote rename [old name] [new name]: renames a remote repository.

  • git remote remove [name]: removes a remote repository.

  • git pull --rebase: pulls the latest changes from the remote repository and reapplies local commits on top.

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